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Black History Activity Pack Research Assistant (Freelance)


What We Need

At Imagine Me Stories we are passionate about teaching children all about black history and culture. Each month we create fun and engaging activity packs for our subscribers to learn about black history and African culture. We need someone to help produce activity briefing packs to inform our activity packs. This will involve researching black history and culture and creatively suggesting activity ideas to support this. 


Who We Need

No prior experience is needed as this is a unique project. We will go with whoever completes the TASK (further below) to the highest standard. 

However in order to do so we believe the following skills sets are essential. 

 - Ability to conduct thorough and diligent online research, with the ability to fact check your work to ensure your findings are accurate. You will need to demonstrate your proven methodology for your research.

 - Have a passion for black history. We love learning all about black history and this passion makes creating activity packs so much fun. This project would suit someone who has a genuine interest in black history as it will show through in your dedication to the activity briefs you will produce.

 - A good copywriter with the ability to analyse information, decide which parts will be most engaging and educational for a young audience, and communicate this in a fun and easy to understand way.

 - Creative, able to come up with unique educational activity ideas that children will enjoy and will also help them learn more about black history.


Project Brief

For each activity pack we produce we will need an activity brief on 6 black history icons (or cultural practices). The specific tasks required for this are:

  • Conducting online research on black history icons. 
  • Write a catchy headline for each icon e.g. Toussaint Louverture: The Father of Haiti, the first independent black country of the world
  • Write a short bio (in your own words) on each icon in a fun exciting way for children which includes interesting and inspirational information for kids to learn about. It is essential that this is factually accurate i.e. you will need to support it with links to  authentic sources and provide your opinion as to what extent you believe it is accurate from your findings.
    • Provide some fun facts about the icon e.g.unusual hobbies, things that would be surprising and fun for a child to learn about them
    • Provide creative and original suggestions on fun printable activities that children can complete related to each icon. These need to be original activity ideas and related to the icon i.e not colouring pages or connect the dots, but original activity ideas. 
    • Find suitable historically accurate images that we can use to guide the illustrator in their depiction of the icon
    • Find short child friendly videos which children can watch to learn more about the icon


    Our budget for the project

    We will need about 6 black history icons (or cultural topics) on a set theme for each activity brief. We estimate that it will take about 2 -3 hours to produce a brief. Our budget is £40 per brief. If the first brief is successfully completed we will commission more.


    How to apply

    Instead of a cover letter or CV, we would love to see how you would approach this by completing a small task below. This would help us (and you!) to see whether this would be a project you would enjoy and also understand the details that come with this project.


    Produce an activity brief on an amazing and inspirational African King who is not well known. (not a current king, someone historical)

    Specifications are:

    • A catchy headline ( not more than 8 words) which summarises who the king was and his main achievement
    • A brief bio (in your own words) which summarises the highlights of their life in an educational but interesting way 
    • 3 fun facts about the king
    • 3 activity ideas

    Use the attached sample activity brief for guidance.


    Next steps

    If this sounds right up your street, please send your draft activity brief to with Black History Activity Research Assistant in the title. 

    Applications will officially close at midday on 14 February. Depending on the number of applications unfortunately we may not be able to respond to everyone but will try our best! 


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